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Saturday, April 20
8:45am - 10:15am: The State in/of Crisis
War-Making, Environment-Making, Profit-Making: Towards a Synthetic Model of the Modern State
John Peter Antonacci
Conflict Perspective on Climate Change
Garima Das
The Rise of Mass Governmental Surveillance in World War I Britain and France
Gary Girod
Challenging ‘New’/’Second’ ‘Cold War’ Analogies: A Comparative Analysis of NATO’s ‘Cold War’ and Post-‘Cold War’ Strategic Concepts
Andreas Wendlberger
10:30am - 12:00pm: Narrating Selves and Spaces
Yin Duo and the Placeness of Chinese Deaf Community in Wartime Shanghai, 1938-1940
Shu Wan
Forests of Violence: Environmental History of Landmines in Croatia and Bosnia, 1991-Present
Josef Djordjevski
Arguing for Peace in the Language of War
Crystal Brandenburgh
Unveiling Resilience: Analysing Peace Amidst ISIS Terrorism and War Crimes in The Beekeeper of Sinjar
Sakshi Singh
1:00pm - 2:30pm: Making Sense of War and Violence at Home
From Sand Creek to the War on Terror: Exploring American Reactions to War Crimes
Christopher J. Levesque
Psychological wounds: The lasting trauma of conflict in children
Mariam Shah
Remembering War–Weapons as Tools of Peace: Mozambique’s Transforming Arms into Plowshares/Transformação de Armas em Enxadas (TAE) project
Amy Schwartzott
War on the Digital Frontier: A Dalit’s View
Tamanna Priya
2:30pm - 4:00pm: Upheavals and Identities
Anti-War Erasmus: A Discussion of Erasmus’ Representation and Commentary on War in Charon and A Fish Diet
Catherine V. Williams
An Uneasy Alliance: Civil-Military Cooperation in Allied-Occupied Germany (1945-49)
Katherine Rossy
War and Race: The Indian Refugee Crisis in WWII Burma
Matthew Bowser
Decolonising India: A Historico-Cultural War
Jay Kumar
4:00pm - 5:30pm: Reconstructing History
‘Have you forgotten that I am one of you?’: Veterans’ Homecomings in Late and Post-Colonial Kenya
Niels Boender
Diary: A kaleidoscope of the war photographer’s experience
Katy Thornton
“Fiction” as an Historiographical Source in Putin’s Russia: Political Constraints and Veterans’ Accounts of Middle East Wars
Gideon Remez
Revealing Shadows: The Role of “Act for the Disappeared” in Reconstructing Memory and Fostering Reconciliation Post-Lebanese Civil War
Atefa Abdallah